Doting dad Abhishek shared a sweet pic of Aaradhya from her birthday celebration on his Instagram. And Abhishek and Aishwarya’s little bundle of joy is looking such as a princess with a floral tiara and pink attire in the very first pic shared by him.
Sharing the initial pic from Aaradhya’s birthday bash upon the Instagram, Abhishek captioned it since, ‘’Happy Birthday our darling little Princess.’’ Aaradhya’s birthday pic received thumps up from celebrities like Bipasha Basu, Manish Malhotra, Gauhar Khan, Riteish Deshmukh, Dia Mirza, Farah Khan and many others on the social mass media.
Earlier much speculations were made regarding the theme of Aaradhya’s birthday bash. It was said that Aishwarya and Abhishek have got planned a theme party because of their daughter.
In the meantime, Grandfather Amitabh Bachchan also shared a series of pic of Aaradhya in his microblogging site Twitter early morning. He also wrote a heartfelt message for Aaradhya.