Kapil Sharma, who is all set to appear in Firangi, took a break from the movie special offers to celebrate the birthday of his ladylove Ginni Chatrath. On Friday he celebrated his girlfriend’s birthday and the images from the party is doing rounds on social mass media. In a video, which is definitely circulating on Instagram, Ginni can be slicing her birthday cake while Kapil is certainly clapping and singing the birthday music on top of his lungs. The video is normally no less than a treat for Kapil’s fans.
Kapil Sharma went open public about his relationship earlier this year. He submitted a selfie with the ‘mystery lady’ on Twitter and released her to his fans.
He wrote: “Will not say she is my better half .. she completes me .. like u ginni .. please welcome her .. I love her so much.”
The much-in-appreciate couple were also spotted at Shirdi Temple before starting the promotions for Firangi. Check out the picture from their outing.
Meanwhile, a channel provides announced that Kapil Sharma will be making a comeback in Sony channel with his popular comedy show The Kapil Sharma Display. The ace comedian spent time in a Bangalore-structured rehabilitation clinic a few months ago to combat alcohol addiction. He promises to be fully recovered today. The rumours of his wedding ceremony has been doing rounds for a while. In March, Kapil uncovered that he plans to marry Ginni next year.
Kapil Sharma hogged headlines for otherwise reasons earlier this year for his mid-atmosphere altercation with co-superstars Sunil Grover and Chandan Prabhakar. The comedian faced backlash from his followers for being rude to his co-stars. Ever since then, Sunil Grover under no circumstances came back to the display. Kapil also cancelled a string of shoots with popular Bollywood celebrities who included Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn. This led to the downfall of his present The Kapil Sharma Present.