Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati has created a havoc all around the nation. From facing political roadblocks to receiving threats from several Rajput organisation, the trouble for the film seems to have no end.
After Rajput Karni Sena threatened to chop off Deepika Padukone’s nose in case she doesn’t refrain from “inciting public sentiments,” police have increased security at her residence. Amid all this, another Rajput organisation provides announced to offer Rs. 5 crore to whoever beheads Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Deepika Padukone.
“Anyone who have brings the head of Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Deepika Padukone will be rewarded with Rs 5 crore. Rani Ma Padmavati got sacrificed her existence with 12,000 various other women in mass immolation (Jauhar), and Bhansali has raised a question on her courage by showing her in bad light in his film. This is unacceptable. Either both of them should leave the country or get ready to be beheaded,” said Thakur Abhishek Som, national president of Akhil Bharatiya Kshatriya Yuva Mahasabha, as quoted by TOI.
The group is opposing the film in apprehensions that it distorts history while telling the tale of Rajput Queen Rani Padmini.
“Some people of the Thakur community who hold important positions in the state may not be protesting against Padmavati, but a huge amount of others will combat for the honour of Rani Ma Padmavati. Bhansali must re-read history to know the real facts about her,” he added.
He says they are not scared of anything, not even death.
“I am not afraid of police action and I am ready to sacrifice my lifestyle for this cause. No one will be able to protect Bhansali and Padukone.”
Meanwhile, the movie is slated to hit the screens in Dec. 1.